Strategic Enrolment Management Advisory Council Announced

January 14, 2014

Humber’s 2013-2018 Strategic Plan calls for the development of a number of collaborative processes that will aid the college in supporting the success of our students and which will help to define our future enrolment goals. The first pillar of the Strategic Plan is entitled, “Strengthening our Polytechnic Identity”, and one of the goals related to this pillar includes the optimization and differentiation of Humber’s programs, credentials and services.  An initiative underway aimed at helping us achieve this goal is the development of a strategic enrolment management (SEM) framework and plan. 

We would like to announce that a cross-functional SEM Advisory Council has been established.  The work of this Council will include conducting an inventory of current enrolment management activities across the college, establishing baselines and targets for enrolment, maximizing the use of data to support enrolment management decisions, and guiding the assessment and improvement of programs and services against key student success and outcomes measures.  Successful implementation of the SEM framework and plan will lead to outcomes such as the development of new interdisciplinary Centres of Innovation, an increased focus on pathways, and the addressing of skills shortages as the market for graduate employment continues to evolve.

Many of the tasks of the SEM Advisory Council will build on past successes, and will involve the evolution of procedures to include a more collaborative cross-functional approach to decision making. Similar to the Executive Advisory Council, processes and ways of doing things will take time to develop, and require interim plans while structures are established.

The membership of the SEM Advisory Council was determined based on institutional role.  In cases where multiple, similar positions exist (i.e. dean, associate dean and faculty members) representatives were selected by the co-chairs after a nomination process. 

The SEM Advisory Council is comprised of the individuals listed below.

Core SEM Team:

Title Name
VP Student and Community Engagement Jason Hunter (co-chair)
AVP Academic Elaine Popp (co-chair)
VP Academic TBA (Chris Whitaker – Acting)
Registrar Barb Riach (Acting)
Dean of Program Planning and Development Ann Dean
Director of Strategic Planning and Institutional Research Ruth Mackay

Additional Membership:

Title Name
Academic Dean/Associate Dean Jason Powell/Michael O’Leary
Dean of Students Jen McMillen
Faculty members Neal Mohammed and Brenda Webb
Director, Advising and Student Academic Support Chantal Joy
Director, Libraries Lynne Bentley
Director of Finance Sanjay Puri
Director of Facilities Carol Anderson
CIO/IT Rep Scott Briggs
AVP Teaching and Learning Eileen DeCourcy
Dean of Research Patricia Morgan
Dean of International Diane Simpson
Director, Advancement and Alumni Relations Kimberly Warner
Director, Marketing and Communications Olga Lalka
Student representation (HSF) Tim Brilhante
Guelph-Humber Grant Kerr
Lakeshore Principal Wanda Buote

The initial meeting of the SEM Advisory Council will take place January 28, 2014. A plan to regularly update the Humber community will be developed.

Jason Hunter
VP Student and Community Engagement
SEM Co-chair


Elaine Popp
AVP Academic
SEM Co-chair