Student Personal Training Program - Winter 2015

November 21, 2014

Registration is now open for the Student Personal Training Program in Winter 2015!

Participation in this program, will require a commitment to either ONE or TWO (one hour) personal training sessions in the Humber Fitness Centre each week from January to May.

The Student Personal Training Program includes:

  • A health screening and goal setting session.
  • An initial and final fitness assessment.
  • Development of a workout program specifically for you.

This activity is a component of the educational preparation for students enrolled in one of the following Humber or Guelph‐Humber programs:

  • Fitness & Health Promotion (2 training sessions/week)
  • Exercise Science & Lifestyle Management (1 training session/week)
  • Bachelor of Applied Science in Kinesiology (1 training session/week)

To register for a Student Personal Trainer, please click on the link below to complete our NEW online form: