Sun Life Reminder- Ineligible Spousal Coverage

Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology



Reminder – Ineligible Spouse

This is a reminder that you, as a plan member, are responsible to keep the Human Resources Department at your College informed about changes that may affect the status of your benefits.

An example of a change that you would need to advise your Human Resources Department of is when a relationship ends. For group insurance purposes, a spouse/partner will cease to meet the definition of a person qualified as a dependent when you have been living apart for 12 months or when you have entered into a separation agreement.

We are taking this opportunity to remind employees that it is their obligation to remove a spouse who no longer meets the definition of a spouse.

If you fail to advise Human Resources of a breakdown in your relationship, and continue to cover an ineligible spouse you are committing fraud against the plan.

Please refer to your benefit booklet for information regarding your benefits.

Questions? Please contact Human Resources Support Centre.

Call us at x5001 from a Humber phone line or dial 416.675.5001.

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