Supplemental Instruction (The PASS Program) is looking for new Faculty Partners

February 3, 2015

Interested in helping your students improve their grades?
If you are teaching a difficult course and are looking for a way to enrich your students’ learning, we can help! Supplemental Instruction (The PASS Program) is a new initiative being offered by the Peer Programs office and we are looking for faculty partners.

What is SI?

  • A weekly peer facilitated study session for students
  • Provides opportunity for students to review and enhance their learning of course material with their peers
  • Systematic and disciplined approach for helping students learn material assigned by the class professor

How does it work?
If you are interested in partnering with us, we will hire, train and supervise the SI student leaders, but we will need your help and support with the following;

  • Identifying former students who would be great SI leaders for your class (need to have a strong concept of course material, personable, able to relate to their peers)
  • Support with identifying the best times for scheduling SI sessions for your students
  • Allowing the SI leaders to attend your classes so they can keep up to date on the weekly content and plan for the study session
  • Allowing the SI leader to make brief announcements to introduce themselves and provide information about SI sessions in class
  • Encouraging your current students to attend SI sessions

For more information, please contact Melanie Chai at  or Karalee Dell at