Sustainability Highlight: Human Resources Department

June 10, 2016

Humber is becoming a greener campus and everyone is participating! Humber Sustainability Highlights feature people and departments around the College integrating sustainable practices. This month’s focus is the change to paperless pay stubs brought to you by Humber’s Human Resources Department!

June 1st was the start of online pay stubs for all Humber employees. Mike Joyal, Human Resources Information System Manager, says there are many benefits to this change.


  • Employees have faster access to their pay stubs from any computer at any time.
  • The HR Department is able to utilize their time more effectively and focus on other projects.
  • Humber will save approximately $30,000 on labour and postage costs.

In addition to Humber’s benefits, there are some significant environmental benefits to Humber moving to online pay stubs.


  • Humber will save about 130,000 slips of paper every year. This is equivalent to approximately:
    • 765,818 litres of annual water savings,[1]  which is comparable to the water used by the average Canadian for six years.[2]
    • 1,886 kilograms of carbon dioxide [3] (a greenhouse gas) will not be emitted each year. That’s almost the equivalent to a third of a vehicle’s annual carbon dioxide emissions.[4]
    • 15 trees will be saved annually.[5]

In the fall of 2015, Joyal said HR hosted a series of Open Houses for Humber employees to observe Humber’s HR processes and to provide input. Employees made specific requests to have the ability to receive pay stubs faster and online both on and off campus.

A key part of this change being successful was making sure personal information remained secure. The implementation of Humber’s banner website in 2013 helped the HR administer online pay stub processes in a secure manner.

Joyal says the initiative to bring online pay stubs online is “about serving people better and giving them better tools.” So far, he says, “the adoption of paperless pay stubs has been phenomenal.”