Tanya Greve, Program Co-ordinator and Ray Salverda, Full-Time Faculty, Theatre Production

I’m pleased to announce the appointment of Tanya Greve as program co-ordinator of Humber’s Theatre Arts – Production program, and of Ray Salverda as full-time Theatre Arts – Production faculty.

Tanya is a long-time Humber instructor and one of the most accomplished stage managers in Toronto, having overseen scores of productions since graduating from the University of Toronto drama program in 1993. She has experience managing classical and new Canadian works for companies such as Factory Theatre, Theatre Pass Muraille, and Young Peoples Theatre, as well national tours for Crow’s Theatre. She spent two seasons at 4th Line Theatre and eight seasons at the Blyth Festival. She recently stage managed the 2017 Dora Awards show.

A part-time instructor for several years, Ray has over three decades of experience in theatre and live entertainment. He has worked with a wide range of theatre companies and national tours, and on special projects for the National Hockey League and Major League Baseball, including Winter Classic, Stadium Series, Fort Bragg, and MLB Little League Classic games. In addition to working on museum and science centre installations, Ray has taught theatre production courses at Humber College, Sheridan College, St. Clair College, and Ryerson University.

Please join me in welcoming Tanya and Ray to their new positions.

Steve Bellamy
Dean, School of Creative & Performing Arts