Testing Services No Longer Requires Bookings

September 18, 2015
We have officially eliminated the need for student bookings here at Testing Services. Under our new policy, only students who require the use of private rooms will need to make bookings. Like before, we ask that students who need private rooms make their booking two weeks in advance.

All other students will simply be directed to coordinate a test time with their instructor, and come write their test at that time. We do have a Test/Exam Notification Form here at Testing Services. If students wish, they can fill out this form and submit it to their instructor. Some students may prefer to use this form, because they want to have written Testing Services documentation outlining their testing dates. However, it is not a requirement.

In just a few weeks we will be rolling out our new online booking system, RegisterBlast. Students who require private rooms will then be making their bookings online at humber.ca/testcentre. We will be notifying students and faculty as soon as RegisterBlast is ready to go.