Toronto to Move Back to Modified Stage 2 Restrictions

Today, the Government of Ontario announced the implementation of targeted temporary measures to move Toronto (along with Ottawa and Peel Region) back to modified Stage 2 restrictions for a period of at least 28 days beginning on Saturday, October 10 at 12:01 a.m. Please see the full announcement here.

Humber’s current academic offering, both interactive online and in-person education, remains the same. There are no changes to in-person teaching and instruction as colleges are exempt from the restrictions.

Specific to Humber on-campus services:

  • The locations and hours of Food Services on campus remain unchanged. Seating areas in the food courts on campus and residence cafeterias will be closed.
  • There will be no changes to the operation of Humber’s Child Development Centre, which was reopened on October 5 with a limited capacity for 45 children.
  • Gyms and fitness centres at North and Lakeshore Campuses will be closed for a period of at least 28 days beginning on Saturday, October 10 at 12:01 a.m.

In keeping with the recommendations of public health and government authorities, there may be changes to on-campus services and supports that are available. Any new information will be shared with the Humber community as decisions are made. 

As always, the latest information can be found on