Toronto Newcomer Day – Highlights

Humber's Community Outreach & Workforce Development (COWD) team was an active participant at Toronto's Newcomer Day celebrations on May 16 at Nathan Philips Square.

Toronto Newcomer Day is an annual event held in May by the city of Toronto that welcomes newcomers to the city, helps them to access a range of resources and services, and celebrates their contributions to the city. The event features a number of activities including a formal stage program, a citizenship ceremony for new Canadians, tours of City Hall, a newcomer marketplace and information fair.

Humber's Community Outreach & Workforce Development (COWD) department is committed to supporting newcomers to achieve their education and employment goals through specialized programs and services such as:

  • Bridging programs for internationally-trained professionals
  • Occupation-specific language training
  • TRIEC mentoring partnership
  • Community employment services
  • Newcomer advising 

Watch the video to learn how COWD's programs supported Sumit Rane (a newcomer from India) to land his first job in Canada!