University of Liverpool - Consultancy Project

October 5, 2016

University of Liverpool – Consultancy Project

Understanding the barriers associated with innovative approval processes within a higher education institution: Humber College case study

Information Letter

You are invited to participate in a research study conducted by Kelly Archibald who is currently obtaining her Masters of Business Administration (MBA) through University of Liverpool being advised by Dr. Penny MacDonald. Your participation is voluntary. You should read the information below, and ask questions about anything you do not understand, before deciding whether to participate. Please take as much time as you need to read this information letter.

To access the survey, please click the link below or copy and paste the link into a browser window:

The survey will be available until October 21, 2016


If you have questions or concerns about the research, please feel free to contact the principal researcher, Kelly Archibald or the Faculty Advisor, Dr. Penny MacDonald. Should you be interested in reviewing the summary of findings, you can contact Kelly Archibald once the research process is completed.

Kelly Archibald
Research MBA Student
Dr. Penny MacDonald
Faculty Advisor

Purpose of the Study

The main goal of this consultancy project is to understand the current barriers that are preventing proposed innovative ideas to be approved/implemented within a post-secondary educational institution. According to Armstrong (2015), change can be difficult to accept both for employees and for educational institutions. As a result, a great deal of research has been completed regarding how post-secondary educational institutions approach change and how they overcome barriers in order to innovate.


The data collection for this project will be collected through an online survey and interviews. Should you want to participate with this research project, your participation will be completely voluntary. In addition, you will have a choice of completing the online survey or the interview or both. The online survey will be hosted through SurveyMonkey, and the data will be stored on the SurveyMonkey’s servers located in the USA. The data will be destroyed upon the cancellation of the SurveyMonkey account by the researcher. The interviews will only be recorded upon your provided consent. All recordings will be stored on a protected USB and stored for five years, at which point, all data will be destroyed using permanent deletion software and shredding bins.

The time commitment for all respondents is very minimal. The online survey should take no more than 20 minutes, and the interview should take no more than 30 minutes. The anticipated start date of the project is immediate, and the end date of the project is December 2016.

Potential Risks

The researcher does not anticipate any risks and/or discomforts to you as the participant throughout the online survey process. However, every step possible will be taken to ensure you do not feel any discomfort throughout the process. In addition, please be aware the researcher guarantees confidentiality and will provide the option to skip any questions asked should you feel uncomfortable answering.

Potential Benefits

You will not directly benefit from your participation with this research. In addition, the research will not provide any benefit to you. The overall aim is to hopefully change the current innovative process to help improve Humber College.


All data collected will be stored in the researcher’s office in a locked file cabinet and on a password protected USB.

The data will be stored for approximately five years after the study has been completed and then destroyed. Your consent will be asked for audio recording; however, you may decline to be recorded. The researcher will transcribe the audio recording, and you may obtain a copy of the transcription upon your request. You will have the right to review and edit all audio recordings. Any sentences you request to be left out will be removed from all relevant documents.

In addition, please be assured all collected data will be confidential and anonymous, and your name/information will not be included as your information will be altered using an identifying code to protect all participants’ identities. If you do wish to have your identity revealed, you will be required to sign a form that explicitly states you do.

Furthermore, collected survey results will be stored via SurveyMonkey on its USA servers.

Withdrawal Procedures

Your participation is voluntary. Your refusal to participate will involve no penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. You may withdraw your consent at any time and discontinue participation without penalty. You are not waiving any legal claims, rights or remedies because of your participation in this research study. However, all withdrawal requests must be a written request emailed or physically delivered to the researcher of this project.

Should you decide to withdraw your participation at any point throughout the research process, all information collected, including all physical and electronic data, will be destroyed using shredding bins and permanent file deletion software.

Conflicts of Interest

The researcher does not have any conflict of interest with this research project.

REB Approval

This project has been approved by the Humber Research Ethics Board and that participants who may have any questions regarding ethics approval, or their rights as a research participant can contact:

Dr. Paul Griffin
Humber REB Chair
416.675.6622 x3226