Update: AI Design Assistant in Blackboard Ultra - Available in Early November

As promised in the New and Improved Features in Blackboard Ultra - Sept 2023 Update Communiqué post, an update on the status of IL's pilot of the new AI Design Assistant tool in Blackboard follows. 

AI Design Assistant will be available to instructors as an optional tool within Blackboard by early November. Watch Communiqué and BbHub for updates.

Update, GenAI resources and more details:

Over the last seven weeks, a multidisciplinary team in Innovative Learning has tested the AI Design Assistant tool against its promise to support, simplified course creation, content-based test generation, rubric creation and image sourcing. We have found the tool to be helpful when getting started with some common processes including rubric creation and course creation prompts. Some flags include the need for very careful awareness of bias within image selection, limitations when requesting prompts for topics usually screened as sensitive content, and the ongoing requirement for the content expert's critical review of the prompts and resources suggested by the AI Design Assistant tool. More information, tips, resources and options for providing feedback will follow when the tool is released.

Please be reminded of the resources available via Innovative Learning to support GenAI in the Classroom, and Humber's Statement on Generative AI. Blackboard's framework for the use of GenAI in the LMS is available here: Anthology's Trustworthy AI Approach.

We look forward to continuing to explore this tool with the Humber community.