Vera Beletzan

It is with great pleasure that I announce that Vera Beletzan has accepted the position of Associate Dean, English in the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, effective Monday, August 13, 2012. As many of you know, Vera brings considerable experience to the role of Associate Dean most recently as the Manager of the English Language Centre (ELC) where she has significantly increased enrolment; established new international partnerships to train teachers of English in Korea; and solidified the position of the ELC within Humber as an area committed to international recruitment and retention.

Vera is a highly dedicated teacher – practitioner and brings many years of teaching excellence to this new role including teaching at Humber and the University of Toronto, Mississauga. She holds a Master’s degree in English literature from the University of Toronto and a second graduate degree in Second Language Acquisition from OISE at the University of Toronto. In addition, she is TESL Certified and continues to be very active with TESL Ontario, most recently having secured a contract with TESL Ontario to develop post-TESL training modules to expand professional development for language teachers.

At Humber, Vera has offered countless professional development sessions for faculty as a facilitator with Humber’s Centre for Teaching and Learning which will allow her to bring a renewed focus on teaching and learning to this leadership role.

On behalf of the entire LAS community, let me say that we look forward to continuing to work with Vera on many exciting initiatives that will continue the vision of excellence that is synonymous with the curriculum offered in our Department of English and across the entire School.


Paula F. Gouveia, Dean
School of Liberal Arts and Sciences