September 27, 2013

WE ARE HUMBER is our energetic, new brand which reinforces and supports our polytechnic identity.

The following are a few tips on how you can support the brand.

Tip #1 - Add the WE ARE HUMBER icon to your email signature in Outlook.

Choose your favourite from our vibrant colour palette. Please see instructions to implement this at the following link: humber.ca/brand/email-signature-graphic

Tip #2 - Plan to update any new promotional materials with WE ARE HUMBER.

The success of any brand is having the entire organization embrace and live it. Having consistency in our look and messaging, both internally and externally, will lead to a high recognition factor and an enhanced interest in the college and will contribute to the brand’s strength.

Tip #3 – Visit humber.ca/brand.

Visit often for brand updates and examples. The following are links to some recent WE ARE HUMBER marketing initiatives:

Tip #4 – Marketing & Communications is available to help you.

The Marketing & Communications team is here to address any of your questions regarding application of WE ARE HUMBER. Please feel free to contact Marie Kyrinis, Marketing Co-ordinator, at ext. 4675 or marie.kyrinis@humber.ca for any clarificaton on development of creative and marketing materials.

Tip #5 – Coming soon……brand information sessions.

Information sessions will be scheduled in October and November at both North and Lakeshore Campuses on how to apply the brand. Watch for updates in Communiqué for dates, times and locations to register for a workshop session.