Winter 2023 Orientation

The Orientation Team within Student Success and Engagement (SSE) is excited to begin collaborating with academic faculties and campus partners in preparation for Winter 2023 Orientation. We look forward to working with you all to support new students in their transition to Humber College. 

Orientation will comprise of virtual pre-arrival events, online guides and resources, program-focused Meet Your Faculty sessions, and on-campus events and activities. 

Outline for Winter 2023 Orientation: 

January 4 to 6: In partnership with our academic faculties, we will host Academic Orientation with our Meet Your Faculty sessions. These sessions will be a mix of virtual and in-person, on-campus. We will be reaching out directly to academic faculties with further information in the coming days. 

January 9 to 27: Orientation, with the support of our campus partners, will host Welcome Events for students. This programming will focus on well-being and social connection, and we will continue to promote services and resources available to students throughout their time at Humber. We will reach out to campus partners with further information on how to get involved. 

Ask Me Stations are back due to popular demand! Orientation will be hosting Ask Me Stations on campus to further support the needs of our students during their first year.

We welcome feedback from all our partners and appreciate the continued support from the college community. 

If you have not previously been involved with Orientation but would like to partner with us in welcoming students in Winter 2023, please reach out to


Kimberly Daniels (she/her) 
Manager, Equity & Student Life 
Mitch Mercado (He/Him) 
Orientation & Student Life Programs Coordinator