Your 2012 T4 Slips Have Been Mailed!

February 27, 2013

All T4 slips and T4A slips were mailed on Monday, February 25, 2013 to the home address that the Payroll department has on file. You should be receiving them sometime this week.

Payroll will be reprinting T4 slips and T4A slips as of Friday, March 1, 2013 for those who have not received them, or have an older address on file.

If you have any questions concerning your T4 or T4A Please contact one of the following HR/Payroll staff: 

Contact Extension Last Name Begins With
Victoria Storozhko x 4147 A to F
Hannah Song x 4864 G to M
Wendy Wei  x 4042 N to Z
Brenda Spottiswood x 4330 Supervisor