2016 LAS Interdisciplinary Conference

September 30, 2016 - 4:00pm
October 1, 2016 - 9:00am
North Campus

2016 LAS Interdisciplinary Conference
“What You Think You Know is Wrong! Questioning Certainties”

September 30 and October 1, 2016

Register for free today at humber.ca/liberalarts/conference

Friday, September 30

4:00 PM Keynote Address by Laura Penny in Seventh Semester Room
5:30 PM Conference Reception in Seventh Semester Room
(Artworks by Laura Tomona on Display)

Saturday, October 1

9:00 AM Coffee and Breakfast Pastries for Delegates and Attendees in E Building Atrium (Concourse) Near Humber Room
10:00 to 11:25AM SESSION ONE
I. What You Think You Know about LEARNING is Wrong!  (Room D202)
  • Matt Farrell (Fanshawe):  “The Myth of Mobile Learners”
  • Matthew Harris (Humber):  “Cellphones & Laptops:  Are They Really Distracting Students?”
  • Jelena Marelj (Sheridan):  “What Do We ‘Do’ With Literature?  Towards a Pragmatic Pedagogy in the College Classroom”

What You Think You Know about NORTH AMERICAN HISTORY AND CULTURE is Wrong!  (Room D203)

  • Denis Collier (Humber):  “The Greatest Moment in Canadian History—And Why It Isn’t”
  • Blake Lambert (Humber):  “The Provincialism of Canadians”
  • Michael Plato (Humber):  “Séances, Ouija Boards, and Upstate New York:  The Surprising Mystic Origins of Modern American Spirituality”

What You Think You Know about GENDER IDENTITY is Wrong!  (Room D204)

  • Francesca D’Angelo (Humber):  “The Truth about Stilettos:  A Tale of Academic Distinction”
  • Naghmeh Saffarian-Pour (Humber):  “Fourth-Wave Feminism”
  • Carla Ionescu (Humber):  “Of Monsters and Men:  The Myth You Think You Know about Medusa and Her Killer”
11:30 to 12:25 PM SESSION TWO
I. What You Think You Know about PURSUING CERTAINTIES is Wrong!  (Room D203)
  • Mohammed Maxwel Hasan (Humber):  “Questioning vs. Questions”
  • Zeev Perelmutter (Humber):  “Aristotle’s Two Kinds of Certainty and Contemporary Science”

What You Think You Know about LANGUAGE AND TECHNOLOGY is Wrong!  (Room D204)

  • Alcibiades Malapi-Nelson (Humber):  “The Cybernetic Chore of (Trans) Humanism”
  • Brett Reynolds (Humber):  “A Different Linguistic Nativism:  What is Innate is Attention” 

What You Think You Know about NUTRITION is Wrong!  (Room E143)

  • Lucia Weiler & Chef Eric Deletroz (Humber):  “Nutrition Mythbusters:  What You Don’t Know Could Hurt Your Health” (Workshop)
12:30 to 1:25 PM Luncheon and Conversation in the Humber Room
(Artworks by Laura Tomona on Display)
1:30 to 2:55 PM SESSION THREE

What You Think You Know about TEACHING is Wrong!  (Room D202)

  • Maria-Lucia DiPlacito and Erik Mortensen (Humber):  “Your Child is Nothing Special, and Neither Are You” (Workshop)
  • Sandee Vincent (Humber):  “Walk the Talk, Stroll the Role, Never Let Them See You Sweat, and Other B*ollocks” (Workshop)

What You Think You Know about DEFINITIONS is Wrong!  (Room D203)

  • Prasad Bidaye (Humber):  “Hinduism:  A Religion That Certainly Does (And Does Not) Exist”
  • Melanie Fishbane:  “Questioning Romance:  The Anti-Perfect Man in YA Literature”
  • Andrew Scott:  “’I’ve Got News for You’:  Frank Sinatra, Activist"

What You Think You Know about SPACE, PLACE, and SELF is Wrong!  (Room D204)

  • Shelley McCabe (Humber):  “’Climate Change is Destroying the Ozone Hole!’ and Other Almost-Truths about the Environment”
  • Faquing Yuan (Humber):  “How Nature Tricks Us, and How Science Will Help Us Understand This Better”
  • Imola Ilyes (Humber):  “Are Mental Illnesses the Same as Physical Illnesses?”
3:00 PM     Closing Reception in the Humber Room