Advisor Training 2018 Conference - Keynote Livestream

Can't make it to the Advisor Training 2018 Conference keynote? Tune in online on Thursday, May 24 at 9:30 a.m. to watch Tanya De Mello present on "Moving from Surviving to Thriving; Advising Across Identities" through the livestream link at:

Tanya De Mello, Director of Human Rights Services at Ryerson University, is a dynamic speaker who has delivered more than 500 training sessions on topics such as human rights and equity, diversity and inclusion. We are excited to have her as our keynote for Advisor Training 2018!

Share your experience with us on Twitter @HumberAdvising using the hashtag #AdvisorTraining2018 


About Advisor Training Conference

The Advisor Training Conference brings together advisors from all departments and academic schools at Humber to discuss, share and learn about advising techniques, skills and issues that affect us all. Join us as we continue the conversation, learn more about the theory and practice of advising and make connections with fellow advisors on campus.

For more information on the Advisor Training Conference and for 2017 highlights, please visit