A Banking Networking & Recruitment Event

March 10, 2016 - 4:30pm
Lakeshore Campus, L 1017

Mary Cantisano, 416.675.6622 x3508, mary.cantisano@humber.ca

The Business School Placement Center has organized a Recruitment and Networking Event with major Canadian Banks: Scotiabank and RBC. One of the most important opportunities we provide students is “face time” with employers. This event, on March 10 will take place in the Community Room with enough space to meet with several students, and also more private conversations. The event will be an opportunity to gather information about current, future and summer positions for students interested in today’s banking services. 

Representatives in various bank positions will be on hand to connect with and offer advice about entering and succeeding in this dynamic and diverse industry. 

RSVP: tinyurl.com/BankNetworking