Beyond Abolishment: Panel Discussion on Children and Work

February 3, 2014 - 6:00pm
Lakeshore Campus, L1017

Jennifer Wilson
Phone: 416.675.6622 ext. 3297

Save the Children York & Toronto University Clubs and Humber College invite students and professors to the following Panel Discussion:

Beyond Abolishment: Child-Rights Focus on Children and Work

The discussion of children and work is a complex one. Protecting
children from the worst forms of labour is paramount but
the realities of extreme poverty often mean that children under
the legal working age must engage in some forms of work to generate
personal or family income. Moreover, while the majority
of working children work in the informal sector, the focus of
governments, international institutions, companies and consumers
tends to be on child labour in the formal sector.

A panel of international experts and academics will discuss the full
spectrum of this debate and provide participants with an opportunity
to explore the possibilities beyond abolishment.

Panel Presenters may include:
Michael Bourdillon, Professor Emeritus
Department of Sociology, University of Zimbabwe
Bill Myers, Professor
Human and Community Development, University of California
Ben White, Professor Emeritus
University of La Hague
Kavita Ratna, Director of Advocacy and Funding
Concerned for Working Children
Richard Carothers, President
Partners in Technology Exchange

Location: Humber College, Lakeshore Campus
3199 Lake Shore Blvd W, Toronto
Room: L1017
*Light refreshments will be provided

To register visit, use Toronto location and
search words “Beyond Abolishment”.