Are you developing your 2022/2023 academic curriculum? Bring in campus history!
The Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre is offering a drop-in info session for faculty on Thursday, May 5. We offer a variety of guided tours of Lakeshore Campus and surrounding grounds, guest lecrtures, and hands-on in-class activities to help meet your CLO's and bring learners to a deeper understanding of our campus spaces. Content includes the history of mental health care at the site, film and television history on the grounds, park history of our neighbouring ecological spaces, and (coming this summer) our new sustainability tour exploring the Lakeshore Campus and surrounding park. Content can be tailored to fit curriculum, assignment, and education goals.
Join the session on Microsoft Teams on May 5 and drop in from 1 to 3 p.m. or send an email to Nadine at to collaborate.