Creative Panel: Space & Design

March 31, 2015 - 12:30pm
Lakeshore Campus, Room L1002

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” – Albert Einstein

The Humber College Gallery hosts moderated panel discussions which explore the various facets of creativity in our professional environment. This time, we'll chat about how our physical space affects our ability to think and work creatively and, discover approaches and processes to build creative spaces. 

In each session, panelists will briefly talk about the topic and its effects on their professional role, which will then be followed by a question and answer period where audience members will be asked to continue the conversation. 

Panelists include: 

  • Elizabeth Fenuta, Professor from Humber's Architectural Technology Program 
  • Janice Fung, Member of Humber's Classroom Redesign Committee
  • Josh Silver, Student from Humber's SITUATE | DESIGN | BUILD Collective 

Moderated by John Rose.