CTL: Blackboard Facing Your Students - Video & Audio Content in Bb

Adding video and audio content to Blackboard has never been easier. Create a repository of YouTube videos or create your own podcasts or short video clips and directly load or embed this content into the Learn environment. It might seem like a daunting task, creating, editing and uploading your own videos, but the job does not have to be a difficult one and in most cases can be done rather quickly. Participants will get tips on how to efficiently edit their footage and how to upload their finished product. Faculty will also be coached on how videos can be used in their Blackboard site and how these videos can be used as podcasts for their students, clients and colleagues.

Note: It is encouraged, although not necessary, that participants bring a laptop with a webcam or a portable webcam to this session.

Can’t find a workshop that fits your schedule?
Interested in other eLearning topics?
Contact Mark Ihnat | mark.ihnat@humber.ca or x4752

  • Register online for Mon., Mar. 13, 2017, North: D225J (Lab), 2:25 to 3:15 p.m.
  • Register online for Tues., Mar. 14, 2017, North: D225J (Lab), 6:05 to 7:00 p.m.
  • Register online for Tues., Mar. 14, 2017, Lake: D112 (Lab), 4:15 to 5:05 p.m.