The CTL Presents "Gamification: Applying Game Principles to Your Teaching"

March 12, 2013 - 1:45pm
North Campus, Room D207

Time: 1:45 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.

Whether you teach in a smart room or a traditional classroom, you have everything required to revitalize course content and motivate students using one concept: gamification.

Participants will watch examples of gamification methods in action while learning to:

  • Identify the five principles of gamification
  • Develop strategies to translate these concepts into action in a face-to-face class, a learning management system (LMS), or an online class
  • Adjust curricular designs to take full advantage of gamification elements
  • Wrap gamification elements around a central location such as an LMS
  • Locate resources to assist you

Facilitator: Dr. Kevin Lee,  Director of the Academy for Teaching and Learning Excellence, University of South Florida

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