CTL: Talk Like Bill and Barack

Charismatic speakers like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have an amazing ability to stay focused in the present. They're very comfortable and grounded when they speak. Their message reaches everyone in the audience. Every great communicator speaks from this place. You can too! Tune-up your communication skills in this short workshop. Here's what you'll learn:
  • Non-verbal communication that shows you're fully "present"
  • How to stay comfortable and grounded no matter what's happening in the classroom
  • Methods for delivering your message in a way that reaches everyone in the audience
Register for Tues., Feb. 7, 2017, North: D236, 1:30 to 3:15 p.m. Register for Wed., Feb. 8, 2017, Lake: F103, 12:35 to 2:20 p.m.