Culture Factor

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Liberal Arts & Sciences Interdisciplinary Conference

Date: September 28-29, 2012

Location: North Campus, 205 Humber College Blvd., Toronto ON

Conflicts over aspects of culture have figured in social, political and economic crises past and present. Given the often destructive effects of such conflicts, how might we modify, reform or even revolutionize cultural perspectives so we can better address present and future crises? How does culture shape today�۪s world ��� and how can we make sense of its influence?

Join us as we explore how the ���Culture Factor�۝ has shaped and will reshape our ideas about politics, law, technology, history, psychology, religion, literature, sociology, anthropology, social theory, education, architecture, gender, race, sexuality, crime and design.

Register online today!

Registration is free for all Humber faculty, staff and students


Keynote Speaker: Marq de Villiers

A winner of the Governor General�۪s Award for Non-Fiction, Member of the Order of Canada, and former editor of Toronto Life magazine, Marq de Villiers has spent the last half century helping Canadians learn more about themselves and their relationship with the natural world. His recent books includeWater: The Fate of Our Most Precious Resource (1999),Dangerous World: Natural Calamities, Man-Made Catastrophes, Future of Human Survival (2008) and Our Way Out: First Principals for a Post-Apocalyptic World(2011), a discussion of solutions to global warming, peal oil and population issues.