Doors Open

Sunday, May 27, 2012 - 10:00am

Event: Doors Open Toronto
Location: Humber Arboretum Centre for Urban Ecology
Dates & Times: Saturday: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
                              Sunday: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Location: Humber Centre for Justice Leadership
Date & Time: Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Further Details:
Humber Arboretum Centre for Urban Ecology
205 Humber College Blvd, Toronto, ON M9W 5L7
Telephone: 416-675-5009

Architect and year:
Taylor/Hazell Architects, 2007

Humber Arboretum Centre for Urban Ecology is an award winning LEED Gold �_certified complex that is a model of environmental sustainability. As the educational hub for Humber Arboretum, the Centre is a place where visitors can learn about ecological stewardship and venture out into the 250 acres of diverse gardens and natural areas on the West Humber River.
Silent and strong city builders abound throughout Toronto! Providing us services in and around our human structures, trees supply us with essential elements required to make our city functional. Our air, food, structures, tools, raw materials, and habitats are all intricately linked to trees. Come out to Humber Arboretum & the Centre for Urban Ecology to celebrate the important role that trees play in the history and future of a sustainable city.
Honors include 2011 Ontario EcoCentre Platinum certification, 2010 OAA Design Excellence Award, 2010 OAA Michael V. & Wanda Plachta Award for architectural excellence in a small-scale project, 2010 selection for Sustainable Sites Initiative (SITES) pilot program to test sustainable landscapes, 2009 Design Exchange (DX) Bronze Award for Architecture-Commercial category.

Event information:
Visit the Humber Arboretum & Centre for Urban Ecology -a favourite location for photographers interested in nature and modern architecture. Building tours are available throughout the day showcasing sustainable features in this living laboratory where many Humber College photography, landscape, design, and media arts students hone their craft. Arboretum garden tours will be offered by Etobicoke Master Gardeners on Saturday only.

Other information:
Building is fully accessible. Optional Arboretum garden tours may be on unpaved pathways or uneven terrain.
Green Doors Open participant. This project uses green building design and construction practices.

Humber Centre for Justice Leadership
3120 Lake Shore Blvd W, Toronto, ON M8V 1L3
Telephone: 416-675-6622

Subsequent architect(s)/ consultant(s):
Gow Hastings Architects

This site is the college�۪s latest technology-based learning environment dedicated to the teaching of Crime Scene Investigation. The 18,000 sq. ft. building, a former car dealership, was transformed to include a 65-seat lecture theatre, built around a simulated one-bedroom apartment for the re-enactment of crime scenes, a forensic studio, and four interviewing rooms. The conventional fa̤ade of the dealership now features an aluminum screen with oblique proportions and a lush green living wall ��� swaths of which are visible through large fissures in the screen. Inspired by the centre�۪s activities, the new fa̤ade gives the building a simultaneously alluring and discrete appearance. The vertical garden provides a soft, natural contrast to the sculptural shape of the screen and the campus�۪ hard paving. At night the building radiates an ambient glow from an LED sign that projects Humber�۪s oversized word mark from behind the screen.

Event information:
Visitors will tour the Crime Scene Simulation Studio and the Forensic Lab. There will be a "crime" scene set up, and the evidence will be processed in the forensic lab.

Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning is a 'city builder' as opposed to an individual therein. Why Humber? Humber has a 44-year history in the city and commitment to providing high-quality postsecondary education. They serve more than 21,000 full-time and 55,000 part-time students in and around the Greater Toronto Area.