Employer Engagement Event

The Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology at Humber cordially invite you to our Fall 2019 Employer Engagement event.

Please join us for an evening of networking and engaging with our Information Technology Solutions (ITS) and Enterprise Software Development (ESDV) students, alumni, faculties and Humber industrial partners.

During this event, you will have:

  • The opportunity to meet our talented ITS/ESDV students who are seeking for their capstone project to start in Winter 2020
  • The opportunity to know more about workflow & collaboration in our industry-based capstone project as well as Humber vision in Applied Research & Innovation Funding
  • The opportunity to meet some of our recent ITS/ESDV grads who showcase their projects

Please RSVP (for all companies/industries) by October 20, 2019

*Complimentary parking will be arranged for all RSVP guests