Family Owl Prowl

December 20, 2013 - 6:30pm
North Campus, Centre for Urban Ecology located at the Humber Arboretum

Taurean Linton
Phone: 416.675.5009


WHOOO WHOOOO is up for a night time search adventure?

If you haven't guessed by now, we will be on the prowl for owls. Learn their calls, what they like to eat, how to tell if an owl is roosting in a particular spot and dispel some of the myths you may have heard.

For example, did you know owls cannot actually rotate their head 360º?

With five different species that call the Arboretum home at this time of year, including the great horned, long eared and screech owls. There is much to be learned and who knows maybe much to be seen.

Here's an interestingl video of an arboretum staff member (Grizzly's) encounter with an owl: