Kelly Morrow, Director of Financial Services, will be leaving Humber effective June 11 to pursue other opportunities outside of the post-secondary sector.
Since joining Humber in 2010, Kelly has held progressive roles, initially as the Manager, Financial Strategic Projects then the Associate Director and most recently as the Director. In addition to her job responsibility, Kelly has played an instrumental role in numerous initiatives across the institution. Her strong leadership and project management skills have contributed to the successful implementation of Banner, Finance and Student, Chrome River Pcard and more recently Travel & Expense functionality, HRMS and REEP projects. She was also responsible for the successful conversion of Humber’s Financial Reporting to PSAB standard.
Kelly has been an integral and valued member of several college and sector-level committees including TIMS and CPSMC. Additionally, she has been an executive member of COFO as well as Chair of its Financial Reporting Subcommittee.
We are planning a Teams farewell get-together on Wednesday, June 9th at 3 p.m. Dial-in details are as follows:
Microsoft Teams meeting
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
+1 647-260-0507
Phone Conference ID: 167 217 476#
Please join us to thank Kelly for her valuable contributions over the last eleven years and to wish her well in all future endeavours.