Frances Ethel Thompson Butternut Conservation Initiative

September 13, 2013 - 11:00am
Centre for Urban Ecology (in the Humber Arboretum)

Please RSVP by September 2, 2013 to or (416) 675-6622 ext. 5009.

Come join the Humber Arboretum for the launch of the Frances Ethel Thompson Butternut Conservation Initiative. The Humber Arboretum has joined a provincial butternut recovery strategy to help save endangered butternut trees across Ontario. This initiative was made possible by a generous endowment to the Arboretum from Frances Ethel Thompson and through the vital support of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

Learn about our collective plan to grow the next generation of healthy butternut trees in the Humber Arboretum and the School of Applied Technology’s research into butternut propagation. This project is an important launch for Humber in terms of exemplifying our new direction embracing research, partnerships, and integration across our school.


  • Alexandra Link, Director, Humber Arboretum & Centre for Urban Ecology (Introduction)
  • Chris Whittaker, Humber College President
  • Barb Boysen, Coordinator, Forest Gene Conservation Association, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
  • Lindsay Walker, Manager, Humber College Sustainability
  • Valeria Wuschnakowski, Humber Greenhouse Technician (Butternut plot site tour)

We look forward to seeing you there!