Guelph-Humber Winter 2012 Lecture Series - Relationships on Facebook: It's Complicated

February 13, 2012 - 1:00pm
Guelph-Humber (North Campus), GH424

Academic services presents Winter 2012 Lecture Series

New media, such as Facebook, has changed communication in relationships, definitions of friendship, and access to information
about other people (and their access to information about us).
In this lecture, social psychologist and University of Guelph-Humber professor, Amy Muise, PhD, will discuss her research on the social and
relational effects of new media. Specifically, this lecture will address the experience of jealousy in the context of Facebook, and the consequences of information sharing and information seeking (“creeping”) online.

Presenter: Amy Muse, PhD

All staff, instructors and students invited.