Honey Harvest By-Product Workshop

Whether you’re looking for a unique, homemade gift idea or would like something special for yourself, come and learn how to make salves, creams, lip balms, and bath balms that take advantage of the healing properties of honey and beeswax.

This workshop may be taken individually or as an elective for the Sustainable Urban Beekeeping certificate available through Humber Arboretum and Humber College.

Fee: $45 (plus tax) plus additional materials fee of $30
When: Saturday, December 16th from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Where: Inside the Centre for Urban Ecology, Humber Arboretum, North Campus

If you would like to register for this workshop alone or if you are interested in registering for the full beekeeping certificate (which begins again in January) call the Humber Arboretum at 416.675.5009 or email arboretum@humber.ca.

Registration is limited to 12 participants, so don’t delay!
