Humber�۪s International Women�۪s Day Centenary Breakfast

Tuesday, March 8, 2011 - 7:30am

Theme: Passing the Torch: Meetings with Humber�۪s Remarkable Women

Every year since 1977, Canadians have marked International Women's Day by celebrating progress toward women's full participation in the economic and educational spheres, reflecting on the challenges and barriers that remain, and considering future steps to achieving equality for all women in society. This year, Humber will host the IWD Centenary Breakfast!

With keynote presentation...

Passing the Torch: What Women Have Accomplished in 100 Years
Keynote Speaker: Judy Rebick, Social Justice Activist, Writer, Broadcaster
Former President, National Action Committee on the Status of Women

Date:          Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Time:          7:30���9:30 a.m.
Location:    North Campus ��� Community Room

Hot Breakfast will be served at 7:30am.

Pre-Registration & confirmation required. Please RSVP to Njeri Damali Campbell.