Humber Arboretum Bird Walk

Add a little nature to your morning during Ravine Days!

Between our year-round residents and the migratory birds who pass through each spring and fall, more than 350 species of birds have been seen in Toronto. Take a morning walk with Humber Arboretum staff to see which ones we can spot hanging around the gardens and woodlands.

We will have limited binoculars available to borrow.

Who: This walk is open to anyone. All experience levels are welcome.
When: Tuesday, October 8 from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. 
Where: Outdoors at the Humber Arboretum (at the back of North Campus). Meet at the Welcome Gazebo at the front entrance of the Arb. (View the location on Google Maps)
How: No registration is required. Just show up!

Ravine Days is a city-wide celebration running October 5 to 14.

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