Humber Earth Week

Monday, April 1, 2013

Come join all Humber campuses in celebrating sustainability!

Check the chart for what's happening at North, Lakeshore and Orangeville.

  Lakeshore North Orangeville
Monday, April 1 "The Story of Stuff" (Humber TV, all day) 

"The Story of Stuff" (Humber TV, all day) 

Pen recycling program

Guest speaker: Melissa Kovac-Reic, waste management (Dufferin County)
Tuesday, April 2


HSF Green Hub

(Student Centre, all day)


HSF Green Hub (Student Centre, all day)

Sustainability Daily INfo (Humber TV, all day)

Wednesday, April 3 Waterbottle-less Wednesday (all day)

Farmers Market/Soupstock (Concourse, 10 am-2 pm)

Waterbottle-less Wednesday (all day)

Dodgeball for a Cure

(Acts Fitness, 3-5 pm)

Thursday, April 4

Campus Clean-Up

(12-2 pm, pick up bags and gloves in A110)

Waste Race 

(11:15 am-12, Concourse)

Campus Clean-Up

(12-2, pick up bags and gloves in Concourse)

Campus Clean-Up

(12-2, pick up bags and gloves in main office)

Friday, April 5 Announcement of design for front of residence flower bed (Communique)

Student Sustainability Clothing Swap

(10 am-4 pm, Concourse)

Plant a Tree

(Sponsored by Humber Athletics, location TBA)