Humber Press Launches Two New Books

November 14, 2016 - 4:00pm
North Campus, LRC - North Space Gallery

Nathan Whitlock,

On November 14, Humber Press will be launching two exciting new books:

  • Dante's Infinite Monkeys: Technology Meets the 7 Deadly Sins by Mike Dover (Business School) - A lively and deeply researched tour of the worst parts of our new digital utopia.
  • Drawing the Line: The How-to-Draw Book by Michael Baldwin (Applied Technology) - An intensive and fully illustrated guide to the critical art of drawing, for design/art students and instructors alike.

These books will be launched at the North Space Gallery on the ground floor of the LRC starting at 4 p.m.

Humber President Chris Whitaker will be making a few remarks at the event, as will Eileen De Courcy and the two authors.

Free refreshments will be available; books will be available for purchase.
