Join Humber's 2SLGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group for the annual Pride and Trans Flag Raising.
The flag raising is a symbolic representation of Humber’s support for LGBTQ+ students, staff and faculty, and the broader community. The flags are a symbol to all staff and students of the College that LGBTQ+ people are welcome and belong at Humber.
This event is open to all students, staff, faculty, administration, and community members.
Registration is mandatory for this event and can be done here.
This event will be approximately 45 minutes in length. During this time we will have speakers from the 2SLGBTQ+ ERG, IGNITE, students, staff, and administration.
Due to COVID-19 this event will be taking place online. A Zoom link will be sent to participants end of day on May 31. Please be sure to check your junk mail if you are unable to find the link.
If folks have questions, comments, or concerns please reach out to Matthew Travill at or Matthew Harris at