Humber Pride Literary Panel

Humber’s 2SLGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group (ERG) and the Humber Literary Review are proud to announce the inaugural Pride Literary Panel entitled “Lifting Up Queer Voices.” In this panel, we will highlight 2SLGBTQ+ writers and engage with a conversation about the intersection of queer identity and writing.

We are excited to feature panelists Kai Cheng Thom, Logan Broeckaert, Anuja Varghese, and Matthew Walsh.

This event is open to all students, staff, faculty, administration, and community members.

Registration for the event is mandatory and can be done here.

Due to COVID-19 this event will be taking place online on June 30 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. A Zoom link will be sent to participants by end of day on June 29, 2021. Please be sure to check your junk mail if you are unable to find the link.

If there are any questions, concerns, or comments, please connect with Matthew Harris at or Jasman Singh at