HumberLaunch presents Government Resources for Entrepreneurs

Thursday, January 30, 2014 - 12:30pm

Are you a new entrepreneur seeking guidance?

Are you in startup phase and in need of market research or funding?

Come learn from Shelia Litwin Regional Business Officer for Canadian Business Ontario (CBO) a division of Federal Economoic Development.

Ms. Litwin will address who CBO is, how the organization assists entrepreneurs and what secondary government resources are available to entrepreneurs such as: market research, financing, and grant programs offered by both the provincial and federal government.

The session will include both PowerPoint and workshop components.


Date: Thursday January 30th 2014

Location: Humber College North Campus, 205 Humber College Blvd

Toronto, ON M8V 1K8.

Room: President�۪s boardroom D109

Start time: 12:30 -1:30pm

Please RSVP