Ice Skating Session

Skating sessions are back. All staff and faculty are welcome to join us on Wednesday, January 11 at Colonel Samuel Smith Park Trail for ice skating, coffee, hot chocolate and donuts.

Register now


Date: Wednesday, January 11
Time: 12 - 1:30 p.m. 
Location: Colonel Samuel Smith Park Skating Trail (65 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Dr, Etobicoke, ON M8V 4B6)
Food provided: Tim Horton's coffee, donuts, timbits and hot chocolate


Q: Will Ice skates be provided? 
A: Ice skates will not be provided during this session. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own skates. 

Q: If I do not own skates, may I still attend?
A: Yes! Attendees do not need to skate to be apart of this session. The aim of this session is to encourage everyone to take a break, get outdoors and enjoy the scenery of the trail along with a beverage /treat. 

Q: Do I have to be there for the entire time?
A: This is a drop-in style event so attendees are welcome to arrive and leave at anytime between 12:00 - 1:30 pm. 

Q: Will there be other dates?
A: Yes. We will host a skating day in February and another one in March. Details to come soon.