Innovation Humber Incubator and Humber Research Present: "Show Me the Money!!"

Tuesday, September 18, 2012 - 4:00pm

Innovation Humber Incubator and Humber Research Present: 

���Show Me the Money!!"

Lakeshore: Tuesday, Sept 18th, 4-5:30pm, Blue Room, A Building
North: Wednesday, Sept 19th, 4-5:30pm, Community Room


Want to put that business idea into action? Learn how to finance your innovative idea through grants, competitions, and angels!

Featuring :

Sarah Hashem
Director, Canadian Youth Business Foundation\

Gillian McLaren
Business Manager, Ontario, Canadian Youth Business  Foundation

Mark Stoiko
Venture Capital, Mezzanine Financing, Banks and Public Markets: What Awaits the Entrepreneur.

Bryan Watson
Executive Director, National Angel Capital Organization


Registration and refreshments begin at 3:45 pm

For more information contact the Innovation Humber Incubator:
416-675-6622 x 79250