International Day of Persons with Disabilities – Lunch Panel

You are invited to join us on Tuesday, December 3, 2019.

Session: Enhancing the Success of Students with Disabilities

Opening Remarks: Adam Benn, Manager, The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity & Chair of Humber’s AODA Committee

Panel Discussion

  • Changing Perceptions
    Monica Khosla, President, IGNITE & EDI Taskforce Member
  • Understanding the Needs of Students with Disabilities
    Christopher Schiafone, B.A.SC Psychology, University of Guelph-Humber
  • Employment for People with Disabilities – Straight Talk
    Errol Cyrus, MBA & EDI Taskforce Member

“On this International Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to work together for a better world that is inclusive, equitable and sustainable for everyone, where the rights of people with disabilities are fully realized.” – António Guterres, UN Secretary-General