iPads and You: Learning the Basics

May 21, 2014 - 1:00pm
North Campus, Seventh Semester
Maureen Martin-Edey
ext 4509


Learn how the iPad can be a powerful tool helping you inside and outside of the workplace. Using free and low-cost apps, participants can turn their tablet into a potent tool loaded with organization/productivity, communication/social, audio/video, utility-oriented and hobby based applications. Join the session and learn how the iPad can be effectively integrated into your everyday daily lives.

Note: Participants are asked to bring their iPads. 

This course is a workshop towards the Business Professional Certificate.

To log in to register to this and other workshops, please follow the go to www.humber.ca/ssaw/spring-2014/ to create your user name and password. Once you do you will receive an email from learninghrs@humber.ca which will enable you to create your new password and account information. Select your manager from the drop down menu (if staff). Go back to the first link to log in with your username and password, find this course,and clik on "Sign" in to register.