IWB Series: Values In Action: Discovering How Values Drive Innovation

The Kairios Values Perspectives online survey is designed to help you sort out what is most important to you: choose, reflect, and re-order among significant human values to arrive at your values. In this workshop, we will explore the importance of understanding our Values Perspectives by utilizing the Kairios Values Perspectives survey and model developed by Cheryl De Ciantis, Ph.D. and Kenton Hyatt, Ph.D. from Kairios.

We will then go a little further to explore Values-Based Innovation, which starts with understanding the values of your user groups (internal and external to the company) which leads to innovation (prototyping new technologies, creating new products or streamlining processes). E.g., if an organization understands the value system that drives the needs of their ideal customers/clients, they can curate services and products that optimally serve their customers/clients.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand our unique values and perspectives
  • Understand how we can assess values in an organization
  • How to conduct values anthropology for your organization

Lunch will be provided.

Register now

Registration deadline: Friday, July 7, 2023


Raeshelle Morris-Griffith serves as the Innovation Program Manager at Humber College's Office of Research & Innovation. She possesses a Master's degree in Leadership from the University of Guelph, along with a double major honours Bachelor's degree in Management and Organizational Studies from the University of Western Ontario. Additionally, she is a certified project manager (PMP) and has received training in Creative Problem Solving, Values-Based Innovation using Values Perspectives, and Design Thinking. Raeshelle also holds a Black Belt in Innovation Strategy Management from Innovation 360, equipping her with the skills to effectively lead organizational design and transformation.