L&D Workshop - Constructive Feedback

Are you a team leader supervising the work of other staff or student help? Then this workshop is for you!
The process of giving and receiving constructive feedback is one of the most important skills in working effectively with others. It is through this process that we all grow in a positive manner. Constructive feedback, if done properly, will enhance the lives and productivity of those we give it to. It will also enhance our own lives if we know how to receive it. Knowing and being able to demonstrate the six strategic steps of constructive feedback, will enable us to eliminate stress, motivate fellow co-workers, improve our own performance, and create a happier work environment. Who wouldn’t want these benefits?

Learning Objectives:

  • Define constructive feedback 
  • Identify the benefits of giving feedback
  • List the six strategic steps of constructive feedback 
  • Demonstrate the use of the strategic steps

Facilitator: Pat Spiteri, 3D Consulting
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Location: Community Room, North Campus

To register for this session, click here or contact Maureen at maureen.martin-edey@humber.ca.

Thank you!