L&D Workshop - MS Power Point

How do you grab and maintain an audience's focus when you're asked to present important information? By being clear, organized, and engaging. MS PowerPoint® 2016 can help.

Gone are the days of flip charts or drawing on a white board to illustrate your point. Today's audiences are tech savvy, accustomed to high-impact multimedia content, and stretched for time. By learning how to use the vast array of features and functionality contained within PowerPoint 2016, you will gain the ability to organize your content, enhance it with high-impact visuals, and deliver it with a punch. In this course, you will use PowerPoint 2016 to begin creating engaging, dynamic multimedia presentations.

Course Objectives

•      Identify basic features & functions of PowerPoint 2016
•      Develop a Power Point presentation
•      Perform advanced text editing operations
•      Add graphical elements to your presentation
•      Modify objects in your presentation
•      Add tables to your presentation
•      Add charts to your presentation
•      Prepare to deliver your presentation

Workshop Date Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Time 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Location North Campus, Room L132
Facilitator Beth Smith, SNS Training Inc.

Click here to register, or contact Maureen at maureen.martin-edey@humber.ca.