L&D Workshop - Professional Presentation Skills

Facilitator: Diana Kawarsky, The Soft Skills Group

This workshop is designed to help you deliver presentations and evaluate your progress as you develop and refine your skills, techniques and delivery. You will learn how to speak well publicly to ensure you know how to organize information and represent yourself well in front of others. Even if you present all the time, this workshop will provide you with the skills to succeed and a platform for practice. During this interactive workshop, each participant will prepare and deliver short, original presentations.

In this workshop you will learn:

  • how to deliver informative, motivating and memorable presentations
  • to explore ways to communicate with clarity and conviction
  • to develop scripts that speak the same language as your audience

You don't want to miss this workshop! Contact Maureen at maureen.martin-edey@humber.ca to register, or sign up here.

Thank you!