Learning & Development Workshop Available - Strategic Contract Staffing

October 15, 2014 - 11:30am
North Campus, Room B106
Maureen Martin-Edey
416.675.6622 ext. 4509


This session will provide an overview of:

  • All 13 different types of non-full time contract employment opportunities currently offered at the College
  • Pay principles
  • Basic aspects of the Collective Agreements including
  • Non-full time support
  • administrative and academic contracts
  • their features, rates, terms and limitations and what (if any) benefits are offered

Lunch will be provided. This session ends at 1:30 pm.

Target Audience:

Administrative & Support Staff involved in the recruitment and selection of candidates for contracts, as well as those responsible for completing and/or keying contracts

To register for this and other workshops, please go to hrs.humber.ca/L&D-Programs.html to log in to create an account; username and password. Once you log in you can choose your username and click on Reset password. You will receive a one-time password change from learninghrs@humber.ca to create a new password to get in to register. Please remember your user name and password, for future reference.

Go back to the Program Offerings page, and click on the Programs tab on the black bar, to College Knowledge. Click on Managing Within the Collective Agreement – Strategic Contract Staffing. Then click on Sign up.

Any questions please contact Mo at maureen.martin-edey@humber.ca