Legal and Branding

November 27, 2014 - 2:00pm
North Campus, Room B308

Bram Cherun
416.675.6622 ext. 79250

If you are considering launching a new business, product or service line, branding is key to its success.

Attend this seminar to learn what really makes a brand and how to build in a way that will resonate with all of your audience. Learn the importance of choosing the right name and creating a memorable corporate identity that will both serve you and that you can protect, and understand how to effectively communicate your brand to all your markets across all media.

May Cheng of the multinational law firm, Fasken Martineau will be presenting on how to create brand images from an IP context. The event will also assist entrepreneurs on how to properly protect proprietary interests by registering trademarks for strategic brand management.

The social media URL for the Legal and Branding event is