LinkedIn Personal Branding Session

Please join Farhad Moiz, Relationship Manager, LinkedIn to explore these topics:
  • What is LinkedIn?
  • How is it being used by members and organizations?
  • How do I build my own brand?
  • Do's and don'ts
  • Future of networking
LinkedIn has become the ultimate platform for professionals looking to become more effective in their roles. You can network with professionals, learn from your peers, keep up to date with news, trends and current events. Through LinkedIn, you can share your own thoughts on the professional world and topics affecting all occupations and industries including education, business, healthcare and technology. Wednesday, February 22, 2017                  H211, North Campus Morning (10:00 am –11:30 am) – Register here: AM session Afternoon (1:00 pm to 2:30 pm) – Register here: PM session This session is open to all staff.